Building blocks

Trigger - Matched a segment

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they match certain segment conditions

Trigger - Visited a page

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they visit specific webpages on your site

Trigger - Performed an event

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they perform specific events on your site

Trigger - Added a tag

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they are tagged with a specific contact tag

Trigger - Removed a tag

Enroll contacts into a workflow when a specific tag is removed from a contact

Trigger - Updated a contact property

Enroll contacts into a workflow when a specific contact property's value changes

Trigger - Unsubscribed a contact

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they unsubscribe from your emails

Trigger - Trigger on a specific date

Enroll contacts into a workflow at a particular date and time

Trigger - Form activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow when they interact with any Gist forms

Trigger - Email activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with emails sent from Gist

Trigger - Workflow activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with specific workflows

Trigger - Chat activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with outbound chat messages

Trigger - Post activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with post messages

Trigger - Tour activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with product tours on your website or app

Trigger - Survey activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with surveys on your website or app

Trigger - Bot activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with bots on your website or app

Trigger - Created a Deal

Enroll contacts into a workflow when a deal is associated with them in a specific pipeline or stage

Trigger - Changed a Stage/Pipeline

Enroll contacts into a workflow when a deal associated with them is moved into a specific pipeline or stage

Trigger - Updated a deal property

Enroll contacts into a workflow when a deal associated with them has one of its properties updated

Trigger - Meeting activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with meeting scheduling

Trigger - Campaign activity

Enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with email campaigns

Trigger - Receive a webhook

Enroll contacts from other apps into a workflow