The bot triggers allow you to enroll contacts into a workflow based on their interactions with bots on your website or app. These triggers can be used to automate actions based on bot activity.


  1. Viewed a Bot: Enrolls a contact into a workflow when they see the bot on your website or app.

  2. Engaged with a Bot: Enrolls a contact into a workflow when they click a welcome button or respond to the bot message.

  3. Completed a Bot: Enrolls a contact into a workflow when they complete the last step of the bot.

  4. Reached a Bot Goal: Enrolls a contact into a workflow when they meet the conditions of the goal set in the bot editor.


1. Choose from the "Outbound" and "New conversation" bot types.

Note: The New conversation bot type isn't available for the "Viewed a bot" trigger.

2. Select the specific bot from the dropdown list of all available bots in the workspace.

3. Click Save.

Example Use Cases

  • Viewed a Bot: Trigger a workflow to follow up with additional information or resources after a contact views a bot.

  • Engaged with a Bot: Trigger a workflow to send personalized messages or offers when a contact engages with a bot.

  • Completed a Bot: Trigger a workflow to send a thank-you message or next steps after a contact completes a bot interaction.

  • Reached a Bot Goal: Trigger a workflow to reward contacts who meet specific goals within a bot, such as scheduling a meeting or making a purchase.