Outbound Bots Explained
Bot Question: Welcome Message
Bot Question: Send a Simple Message
Bot Question: Ask For Email
Bot Question: Reply Buttons
Bot Question: Collect Customer Data
Bot Question: Book A Meeting
Bot Flow: Check if team is online
Bot Flow: Matches a custom audience
Bot Action: Let Emma AI Answer
Bot Skill: Tag Contact
Bot Skill: Tag Conversation
Bot Skill: Set Contact Property Value
Bot Skill: Set Conversation Property Value
Bot Action: Route Conversation
Bot Skill: Close Conversation
Bot Flow: Pass To Another Bot
Using the Bot Flow builder
Create your first Custom Bot
Bot Triggers: Custom Bot vs New Conversation Bot
Triage inbound conversations with New Conversation Bots
Testing your chatbots
Automatically close abandoned Custom Bot conversations
Capture data and qualify leads using Qualification Bot
Best practices and tips for creating engaging chatbots
Changes from Custom Bots Builder v1 to v2