Welcome to the guide designed to streamline your integration into an existing marketing team using Gist. This resource will equip you with the essential steps to quickly adapt and contribute effectively to your team's marketing efforts.

Level 1 - Set up your Gist experience

1. Upload avatar (2 minutes)

Establish a personal connection with your audience by adding a professional avatar to your profile.

You'll need:

  • A happy, professional photograph.

Setup your Gist profile

2. Organize contacts using tags (5+ minutes)

Segment your audience efficiently for targeted marketing initiatives.

You'll need:

  • Understanding of the tagging system relevant to your audience.
  • Access to existing contact data in Gist.

Organize your contacts with tags

Level 2 - Build on the Basics

1. Create an ongoing message (10+ minutes)

Engage with your audience through automated, targeted messaging.

You'll need:

  • Prepared message copy.
  • A defined target audience.

Create your first ongoing email

2. Grow your list with signup forms (10+ minutes)

Expand your contact base using strategically placed signup forms.

You'll need:

  • None.

Create your first Popup form

3. Create a Comprehensive Customer Journey (20+ minutes)

Automate your marketing processes by setting up workflows that trigger based on specific customer actions or behaviors. Re-engage disinterested users through targeted, automated campaigns.

You'll need:

  • A defined target audience for re-engagement.

Create your first workflow

🎉 Congratulations! By following these steps, you're now well-prepared to be an active and effective member of your marketing team using Gist. Remember, marketing is about continuous learning and adaptation. Regularly engage with Gist's features to refine your strategies and enhance your marketing efforts.