A few days into a user’s trial period, it would be nice to ask your users if they need any assistance from you. Here’s what you can send them.

Just because someone is using your trial actively doesn’t mean they are definitely going to upgrade. They probably have questions about your product. Remember that not everyone can be upfront and ask you questions.

That is why it's important to check in on them a few days after they join and let them know if they have any questions, and that you’re always there to help. 

This tells your prospective customers that you care about their experience with your product and that they can count on you to help whenever they’re stuck. This builds trust and increases conversions.

When is a good time to follow up with users?

It would be a good idea to followup with your users a few days into their trial. So your filter could be ‘Signed up less than 5days ago’, or something related to your product – for instance ‘Number of projects created is more than 2’, etc.

What to send in the message?

Your follow up message should let your customers know that if they have any questions you’re always happy to help.

You can do this by simply asking them if they have any questions thus far, or you can also send them some helpful documents and user guides.

Here’s an example of a good followup message:

Important: You should exclude users who have already completed the milestones that you want to remind. Otherwise, you would be asking them to do what they already did, which doesn’t impress users.

For example, if you want your users to study a lesson in your course, you can choose to send a reminder email to users who have not yet done that. So your filter, in this case, would be ‘Lessons taken is 0’.

Once you have followed up with your users and helped them use your product better, you can then message them to convert to paying customers.

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