- Any number of Goals can be created in workflow
- Goal with delay component: Goals immediately pull contacts out any delay they might be waiting at the time of achieving the goal.
- When a contact is first enrolled in a workflow, Gist checks if the contact meets the goal criteria. If they do, they will be jumped to the goal step.
- When updating goal condition and if the active people(who may be waiting in a goal), satisfying the Goal conditions, they will complete the Goal and start processed from next component.
- Say, the contact is waiting in a goal(Goal 1) and satisfying another goal(Goal 2) of the workflow, the contact will jump to the goal(Goal 2) and the process will start from there.
- End this automation - This is same as exit component and all the other active positions of contact will be skipped and the person will be completing the workflow.
- When person is in multiple components(active positions) at the same time (with the help of fork) and say the contact is waiting in Delay 1 and Delay 2 and satisfied Goal 1
/ \
path 1 path 2
| |
Delay 1 Delay 2
| |
Goal 1 Action 1
| |
Cont.. Cont..
- Goal with option - anywhere(contact is in multiple position) - All the active positions are skipped and only one entry will be there and the contact will start to process the next component of Goal 1
- Goal with option - below to a contact’s position(contact is in multiple position) - contact is in two different position and the contact satisfied the goal(Goal 1), the contact will jump from Delay 1 and another point(Delay 2) of contact will start proceeding the actual flow, the contact will process action 1 and the contact will go below further.
8. Trigger
component 1
Goal 1
comp 2
Goal 2
comp 3
Case 1:
- Goal 1(goal eligibilty - Contact in anywhere can satisfy the goal)
- Goal 2(goal eligibilty - Contact in anywhere/above a goal can satisfy the goal)
A contact enters this workflow and satisfied Goal 2 first and started flowing in the workflow components below to it. At this point of time, contact satisfied the Goal 1(which is above to the contact’s current position) - Contact will jump to Goal 1 and the process will start from there.
Case 2:
- Goal 1(goal eligibilty - Contact in anywhere can satisfy the goal, continue anywayeven if the contact doesn’t meet the goal criteria)
- Goal 2(goal eligibilty - Contact in anywhere/above a goal can satisfy the goal)
A contact enters this workflow and reached Goal 1 organically. The contact will proceed the further components of the workflow and satisfied Goal 2 criteria and proceed further. If the contact satisfied the Goal 1(which is above to the contact’s current position), the contact won’t jump to Goal 1 as they have already crossed(or processed) Goal 1 (because jumping happens at once).
9.When a contact is waiting in two different positions - a goal(by reaching goal by direct flow) and in a delay.
/ \
path 1 path 2
| |
Goal Delay(contact waiting)
(contact |
waiting) |
| |
continues.. continues..
When the contact satisfies a Goal(either when a goal is updated/ person property gets updated),
- If the goal’s configuration is set as anywhere - The contact will jump from Delay’s position to Goal’s positions and the flow starts from the next component after the Goal
- If the goal’s configuration is set as below the contact position - The contact won’t jump from Delay’s position and there will still be two active positions of the contact
10.Goal is processed from top to bottom(based on the level that the goal is located) and if the many goals are in same level, we will process goals from left to right.
/ \
path 1 path 2
| |
Goal 1 Goal 2
| |
Goal 3 Goal 4
| |
Action 1 Action 2
For instance, If a contact satisfies all four goals at the same time, He will first jump to Goal 1, then Goal 2, then Goal 3 and then Goal 4. He will start processing from Action 2.
11.If a contact triggers a goal, they will not trigger that goal again as long as they remain in the automation, even if they later become ineligible for the goal and then become eligible again.