Gist automatically identifies website visitors when they submit their email address in ANY form on your website, including Gist forms.

You can also personalize your website by targeting calls-to-action to identified contacts based on who they are, what they've done and the subscriber data stored in your email marketing software.

This means you can target people based on their tags, segments etc.

How to identify existing contacts from any URL

Gist will identify a contact if you include a person's email address in the URL with any of these URL parameters.


How to identify a contact using Gist's client-side API

If you're using Gist on an app, you can identify users by accessing Gist's client-side API.

Here's a snippet you can use, just replace  EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE with a string of your contact's email address.

The option "override" can be set to  false if you want to Gist to identify someone if the visitor isn't already tracked as a contact.

jQuery(document).on('gistChatReady', function() {
   gist.identify({email: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE'});

How to disable automatic custom HTML form tracking

In certain cases, you may want to prevent Gist from automatically tracking and syncing contacts based on the custom HTML form submissions on your website (separate of Gist forms).

Disable custom HTML form tracking entirely by heading to Settings > Marketing > Forms, and toggling "Collect data from website forms".